Basic Sock Pattern Using DPN's
This sock pattern provides simplified instructions regarding cast-on and a basic boomerang heel and is perfect for your first sock! This pattern uses DPN's to knit in the round, if you prefer to magic loop check out our magic loop sock pattern here. Using larger needles to start with allows for a looser, even, and more comfortable cast-on.To knit either of Regia’s fun coloured Pairfect or Designline socks please follow these additional instructons.Regia PAIRFECT’s ‘Easy Start’- The yellow yarn end from the inside of the ball is tucked under the ball band and easy to find. Unravel the yellow yarn, cut it off and start casting-on as given. Once the first sock has been finished, unravel the yarn until the end of the second yellow thread appears, cut it off and start the second sock. You will end up with two identical socks.
Regia’s DESIGN LINE -Knit your first sock. Before starting the second sock, unravel as much yarn as to get to the same pattern repeat as where you have started the first sock.
Sizes: Ladies M (L, Mens L, XL)
- 1 ball of Regia PAIRFECT or DESIGN LINE 4ply (100g / 420m)
- 1 pair of 3.50mm straight knitting needles
- 1 set of 5 DPNs 2.50mm
- Wool needle
Tension: 30sts x 42rds = 10cm x 10cm
- DPNs - double pointed needles
- stst - stocking stitch
- RS - right side
- WS - wrong side
- k2tog - knit 2sts together
- ssk - slip, slip, knit (slip two stitches as if to knit, insert left-hand needle through both sts and ktog)
- rep - repeat
- rem - remaining
- sl - slip
- M1 - make 1 (insert left-hand needle from the front under bar between last and next stitch, knit through back loop avoiding a hole)
- wyif - with yarn in front
- wyb - with yarn back
- w&t - wrap & turn (on RS, sl1 purlwise wyf, replace st back to left-hand needle, turn - on WS, sl1 purlwise wyb, replace st back to left-hand needle, turn)
Using 3.50mm straight needles, cast on 60 (64, 68, 72) sts (avoids twisting the stitches before joining the work into the round).
Change to 2.50mm DPNs and cont in k1, p1 rib pattern. Work 1 row in rib pattern, while dividing stitches over four needles as follows: 16-14- 14-16 (16-16-16-16, 18-16-16-18, 18–18–18– 18) sts
- Rd 1: with spare needle, join work into the round starting each needle with k1 and finishing with p1. (Note:Tail at cast-on indicates beg of round or you can place a marker).
- Cont in rib pattern until yarn section for cuff has been worked (PAIRFECT - refer to image on ball band as a guide) approx. 5.5cm (5cm, 4.8cm, 4.5cm) or as desired using DESIGN LINE.
For first and third sizes only, distribute sts evenly over all four needles, (move 1st from needle 1 to 2 and from needle 4 to 3) – 15 (16, 17, 18) sts on each needle.
Cont in stocking st until yarn section for leg part has been worked (PAIRFECT - refer to image on ball band as a guide) approx. 24cm (22cm, 20.5cm, 20cm) from cast-on or length desired for DESIGN LINE.
Boomerang Heel Part 1:
Decreasing The heel is worked over needles 1 & 4 with 30 (32, 34, 36) sts.
Cont working in ROWS, k on RS and p on WS, always slipping first st either knitwise, wyb or purlwise, wyif. With needle 4, knit sts on needle 1 until 2sts rem, ssk, turn.
- Next row: sl1, p until 2sts rem, p2tog, turn.
- Next row: sl1, k until 2sts rem, ssk, turn. Next row: sl1, p until 2sts rem, p2tog, turn. Rep last 2 rows until 6 (8, 8, 8) sts rem ending with a WS row.
- Next row: k3 (4, 4, 4) – centre of heel.
- Next rd: with spare needle, k rem heel sts, knit up 11 (11, 12, 13) sts along heel flap, inserting needle through centre of BOTH sts of the decreases OMITTING first dec and work a M1 just before needle 2; needle 2 and 3 – knit; with spare needle, M1 and knit up 11 (11, 12, 13) sts along heel flap as before, omitting last dec, knit rem 3 (4, 4, 4) sts – 60 (64, 68, 72) sts – centre of heel and end of rd.
Heel Part 2:
Short Rows Reverse Shaping.
- Next rd: knit. The next section of short rows is worked over joint needles 1 & 4 as for part 1; k on RS, p on WS Short row turnings:
- Next row: cont with needle 4 and k3 (4, 4, 4), w&t
- Next row: p6 (8,8,8), w&t Next row: k6 (8,8,8) to wrapped st, knit st tog with wrap (thus avoiding a hole), w&t
- Next row: p7 (9, 9, 9) to wrapped st, p st tog with wrap, w&t Continue in this manner until all sts have been wrapped, ending with a WS row.
- Next row: with spare needle, knit to centre of heel and cont working in rds.
- Next rd: with spare needle, knit all sts while knitting tog wrapped sts and wraps at end of needle 1 and beg of needle 4.
Cont in stst until foot measures approx. 20cm (21cm, 22cm, 22.5cm), or according to PAIRFECT pattern, measured from beg of heel when placed flat on a surface.
Banded Toe:
Decreases are worked at the end of needle 1 & 3 and beg of needle 2 & 4.
- Dec rd: needle 1, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1; needle 2, k1, ssk, k to end; needle 3, rep needle 1; needle 4, rep needle 2.
Decreases for toes after 1st decrease rd are as follows with even rds in between:
- Every fourth rd: once (once, once, once)
- Every third rd: twice (twice, twice, twice)
- Every second rd: 3 (3, 4, 4) times
- Every rd: 6 (7, 7, 8) times – 8sts rem all sizes – cut yarn leaving 20cm tail.
Using wool needle, thread tail and run through rem sts, pull tight, run through all sts once again, stitch through centre to WS and sew in. Thread tail at beg of work and stitch through cast-on stitches to straighten edge, sew in on WS.
1 comment
Posted on by HeatherHow do I determine the sock size? Do they relate to shoe size? American sizes?